Tuesday, 17 April 2018

I think, Android is Much Better

In this blog post, I'll be reviewing my experience of having an android phone and my favorite apps on it. First i had gingerbread 2.3.7 version as my first android phone. And that was my first attempt to root an Android. What is root ? Root is gaining more privilages on android system so you can use more features than usual normal phone. The downside, it kinda vulnerable from a virus and your warranty is completely void. But who cares ? xD

Until now, my android phone will always be rooted in any chance. Even if it was a brand new one or second one. I like to play with root access. And the reason is simple, You can hack almost any client-side games with this apps called gameguardian. Of course gameguardian need root access to make it works. This app's job is to manipulate an id, biner, hex, even speedhack on every apps. It was kinda hard to learn at first. But as time goes by, i get used to it.

Long story short. My classmate were playing The Sims Mobile at their phone. They talked about it in the class. So, i'm curious to try it at home with using hacks ehehehe. The next morning, i showing off my The Sims game that already had a lot of in-game money and items. It was kinda fun actually, all of my friend ask me "Hey, how to do it ! I want some, Please teach me senpai" HAHAHA. So i tell them to root their phone, but they did'nt want to do it though. So yeah, try to beat my account fellas hahahaha.